Knee Joint Pain Relief
At the Barr Center, our approach to knee joint pain relief begins and ends with our patients.
The knee joint is the largest joint in the body. It is comprised of three distinct joint compartments that effectively work together, making up a modified hinge joint. The arrangement of these three compartments allow both bending and rotational movements in the knee. The knee allows us to bend, climb, squat, walk, run, pivot, turn, lift and carry. Injuries and degeneration due to wear and tear can affect any or all three of these compartments resulting in strained ligaments and tendons, inflammation, swelling, torn cartilage, arthritis and bursitis.
Knee pain can significantly inhibit your ability to perform simple day-to-day activities such as walking, stair climbing, kneeling, crawling, turning and various forms of exercise. Patients who visit the Barr Center for knee pain relief often are unable to lead the active lifestyles to which they are accustomed due to a knee injury, degeneration or a medical condition.
Our treatments focus on restoring your ability to live a healthy, active lifestyle. This starts with identifying the sources of your pain. Treatment then starts with our initial focus on the pain generators and then expands to include compensatory issues that develop in response to the pain.
Knee Joint Pain Diagnosis
Knee problems often develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury. They can also be caused by the natural process of aging. Pain may arise from the knee joint itself or from any of the many surrounding muscles, ligaments or tendons. Knee pain that originates from any or all of the compartments of the knee joint and it’s associated ligaments and tendons usually worsens with activities or movement of leg. Pain worse at night that is associated with extreme tenderness just below the knee joint along the inside of the leg is often associated with bursitis of the knee which is a condition called Pes Anserine bursitis. Instability from trauma or hypermobility syndromes can also contribute to knee pain. This complex design can make diagnosis and treatment of knee pain somewhat tricky.
Sometimes knee pain isn’t related directly to the knee. For example, osteoarthritis of the hip can refer pain to the knee. Additionally, a herniated lumbar disc or arthritis of the back particularly at the L4 level can cause referred pain to the knee.
In your very first appointment at the Barr Center, we’ll ask you to describe your knee pain, its history and what you think has contributed to its occurrence. A physical examination, x-rays and imaging studies will follow. Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasounds may be used to reach an accurate diagnosis. Read our Costco Connections article for more information and Tips for Strengthen your Knee.
Conditions We Treat:
- Arthritis
- Meniscal tears
- Bursitis
- Baker’s cysts
- Patellar and Quadriceps tendonitis
- Knee joint effusions (swollen knees)
- Gout and Pseudogout
- Medial and lateral Collateral ligament injuries
- Ligament laxity and tears of the knee due to trauma or EDS
- Jumper’s knee or patellar tendonitis, quadriceps tendonitis and hamstring tendonitis
- Mechanical derangements and kinetic chain issues
Treatment modalities for knee and lower extremity pain:
- Osteopathic manipulation
- Steroid injections ultrasound guided
- Viscosupplementation injections
- PRP injections
- Prolotherapy injections
- Prolozone therapy
- Stem cell injections (bone marrow concentrate, fat grafting and amniotic stem cells)
- Nerve blocks
- Genicular nerve radiofrequency ablation
- Physical therapy
Can the Barr Center Help You with Knee Pain Relief?
Call us at 757-578-2260 or email us at [email protected] to get started on relieving your knee pain. To learn more about the anatomy of the knee and the causes of knee pain, visit our blog articles below for more information.
Learn More
Other pain management conditions we treat are: Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Back Pain, and Hip Pain. We often use Regenerative Medicine, and sometimes combine physical therapy, in our pain management treatments.

Experiencing Pain?
Reach Out To Us About Medication-Free Treatment.
“Dr. Barr initially performed Prolotherapy on my damaged left knee,
and after three sessions,
I knew that healing was in progress.”
C.S. Patient
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