Learn how to Outsmart Your Pain from pain management expert and physician, Lisa Barr MD.

Outsmart Your Pain book by Dr. Lisa Barr“Basically, the pain body connection is something I’ve been very passion about for some time. I’ve been focused on trying to learn how to explain it in a way that people could understand it.”

“In my book, that’s exactly what we do. Outsmart Your Pain, gives people the answer of why they need to understand how their thoughts, emotions, postures and activities actually influence their sense of well-being and how stress can affect people in such a way that it actually presents itself as pain. Stressed can masquerade as pain.”

“We can use our thoughts and other resources we have that are cognitive, brain related resources, to overcome various painful experiences that we’ve had in the past. The book gives secrets about how the brain works so that people can use these tricks to figure out how to outsmart old habits, thought patterns, and programs that are running in the background of your brain that people are not aware of.”

“The book teaches you how to unravel that and how to form new pathways that are healthier to help you over come pain, without having treat it as a symptom, without having to down the path of medication or other substances to help escape the pain.”


Can the Barr Center Help You with Pain Relief?

Call us at 757-578-2260 or email us at [email protected] to get started on  therapies that relieve your pain.

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Conditions we treat: Neck PainShoulder PainBack PainHip Pain and Knee Pain. We often use Regenerative Medicine, and sometimes combine physical therapy, in our pain management treatments.